Carbon rings

Examples of customised rings

Carbonringe sind exquisite Schmuckstücke, die durch ihre einzigartige Kombination aus modernem Design und technischer Raffinesse beeindrucken. Carbon gehört nicht zu den klassischen Werkstoffen, die mit einer herkömmlichen Goldschmiedetechnik hergestellt werden kann.
Um deinen individuellen Ringrohling zu gestalten, arbeiten wir mit dem Zulieferer "The ring forge" together.

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 4

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 4

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 4

Carbon ring with stainless steel inlay no. 2

Carbon ring with stainless steel inlay no. 2

Carbon ring with stainless steel inlay no. 2

Carbon ring CB04

Carbon ring CB04

Carbon ring CB04

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond no. 2

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond no. 2

Carbon ring with gold inlay and diamond no. 2

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 5

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 5

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 5

Carbon ring with diamond

Carbon ring with diamond

Carbon ring with diamond

Carbon ring CB02

Carbon ring CB02

Carbon ring CB02

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 3

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 3

Carbon ring with gold inlay and brilliant-cut diamond no. 3

Tantalum wave ring with 8 diamonds

Carbon ring with stainless steel inlay

Carbon ring with 7 diamonds

Carbon ring with 7 diamonds

Carbon ring with 7 diamonds

Carbon ring CB01

Carbon ring CB01

Carbon ring CB01


Carbon fibres in the carbon ring

The characteristic feature of these rings is the use of carbon fibre, a lightweight yet extremely robust material that is widely used in the aviation and high-tech industries.

The smooth yet striking texture of the carbon fibre gives the rings a futuristic aesthetic, while the dark, deeply saturated colour exudes a timeless elegance. Carbon fibre rings are not only visually appealing, but also remarkably light and comfortable to wear.

The precision in the processing of the carbon fibre material makes it possible to create fascinating patterns and designs that reflect the light in a unique way. These rings embody innovation and style and are a perfect choice for those looking for a piece of jewellery that harmoniously represents the connection between modern technology and timeless beauty.

We can discuss and individualise all desired profiles and ring designs.

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We will be happy to answer your questions in advance by phone:
+49(0) 30 536 998 60.

We look forward to seeing you!